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56 854 Items
01-12-2025 at 9:47 AM by Author
32 slots
This is a remake of zm_toxichouse_zg, made by Markoffka for the community, also known by its alias: zm_toxic_z.
Toxic Z is the only toxic house version I've ever enjoyed playing but even so most of the action happens in the courtyard and humans prefer to stay on the roof or inside the greenhouse.
The purpose of this fix is to make in-door spots more appealing while providing more ways for zombies to assault well entrenched positions. First thing I did was to allow access to the roof from inside of the house. Second thing was to allow zombies to respawn in more places so humans no longer know where to expect them to come from.
Just with these 2 changes, the map felt much improved to me but I kept going, altered more stuff and added some new spots, extending the use of shoot-through glass and bringing back some elements from NaVy's original versions of toxic house as well. I hope the result will end up being to people's liking!
Good luck at killing zombies!!!
- redistributed spawns to improve spawn location variety and allow respawns in multiple areas of the map
- added weapons pickups throughout the map, nothing too outrageous
- added a secret teleport in the toxic waste room
- added a fake wall in an unlikely place
- added access from the tent into the greenhouse and vice versa through a hole in the grass at the very back of the tent
- added access to the roof from inside the house and vice versa through a ladder inside the nuke room
- readded some elements from the original toxic house such as some of the iconic decals, the breakable starting door (with less hp), the stopper on the front entrance to the main room that demands more precise crouch jumping and the boxes you can jump on to reopen the alternative left path through a hole in the wall, remade its ceiling into a breakable object and removed the ladder that a(...)
01-10-2025 at 9:35 PM by Kaedian
This experimental map is basically de_dust2_aztec with some cyberpunk-colored neons placed all over it. The map was originally much darker to highlight the neons themselves, but due to visibility complains I increased the brightness of the overall lighting. This map includes CSDM spawnpoints.

This was created in early 2022 for a now-defunct CS community named OldGods.

It uses the Space Nebula skybox created by 1118.
01-10-2025 at 9:32 PM by Kaedian
A high-quality Aztec-themed remake of de_dust2, with all textures replaced by those from de_aztec, while preserving the good old atmosphere (with thunder and rain). This map includes CSDM spawnpoints.

This was created in early 2022 for a now-defunct CS community named OldGods.
HL DeathMatch
01-10-2025 at 11:00 AM by ParaBolt

Another fine level by ProMagnoN

Level theme:
A pumping facility somewhere in HalfLifeLand ;). Something has gone wrong
and a pipe has blown in the basement, making for some very wet deaths and
wierd fights below decks, while above the scuffle continues. The 4 water
vats each have some useful item in, one of them has the crossbow and another
has the alien Hivehand (but remember that if this level has a couple people
in it you are rather vunerable there).

There are 2 chimeny stacks sticking out into the sunlight at the butt end
of the facility, with a RPG between them. I have made sure that there
are _AT LEAST_ 2 ways to get to any one point, sometimes more!

People seem to be having difficulty climbing to the top of the maintennance
ladder and then getting off onto the platform. This is because they still
appear to be using ladders as if they are playing quake2. All you do is you
climb to the top and press JUMP. it doesnt matter which direction you are
facing, just press jump and you will land on the platform.

There are 2 "observation rooms" one in the basement and one HIGH HIGH up
overlooking the facility. Both have gauss guns in. (but no ammo... you must keep
moving to collect the scatterings of ammo)

The level is designed in such a way that it favors "clever" combat... that is,
good use of objects to take cover behind, and using your brain to outsmart
your opponents, and of course, listening carefully (Do you hear a metallic
footstep then a splash? It means hes jumped into the one water silo... do
you hear constant splashing? It means hes wading through the basement!).
There is a jump module and it CAN be used to GrEaT advantage in this level.
You can also make a '1337' jump from the top observation room all the way
to the roof of the maintennance shaft, it makes a reasonable "SURPRISE!" spot.

This is a LARGE level... but if you want 'stalking' style of gameplay, play
it with about 4 people, each of whom use their eyes and ears and brains
rather than blundering through. For more "Crazy Wild" game play, try it with
a larger group, 8 or more ppl. You will find that theres usually some kind
of weapon nearby so pistol confrontations only happen if you LET THEM.


This map has been thouroughly tested! It takes just over 9 hours to fully compile
so this is indeed quite a task to do. I have had to do some minor but significant
changes about six times, then recompile. This version is speed (and lag) optimized.
the test machines were a p2-300 with 16 megs ram and voodoo2 (8mb version) on which
it ran quite acceptably, and also a p2-300 with voodoo1 4mb, which got slow
at some places probably due to its very small 2mb texture memory.

Sorry about the filesize but that appears to be the only way to distribute maps
with custom textures in them :( that came out in testing also.

Enjoy it thoroughly, it cost me about 50 hours of map editing :) / playtesting / compiling


Author name: Nicholas 'ProMagnoN' Lawson
Author email addy:
Full Compile time: about 9 hours (!) each time.
Build time: um... about 5 days worth of nonstop except to eat and sleep. heh.
Theme: Pipe works!!!
Music listened to: None :( CD player uses up valuable memory!!!!!
Size of swap file during compile: 230 MB (heh)
Number of times FULLY recompiled: 7.
Discoveries: The CORDON tool!!! The nifty hide buttons and stuff.

ENJOY it !!!!

- ProMagnoN
HL DeathMatch
01-07-2025 at 9:01 PM by upitonio
doublecross/xbounce :oui:
Team Fortress 2
01-05-2025 at 5:29 PM by M4rloncha
Map made by Rofflemao and released on 21/08/2012 for the "Surfaholics Server - Australia".
Contributor - Tester: "Guybrush Threepwood".

Author comment: "sv_airaccelerate 175 (recommended - do what ever you like though)".
01-05-2025 at 6:14 AM by acetylcysteine
01-05-2025 at 6:11 AM by acetylcysteine
01-05-2025 at 6:05 AM by acetylcysteine
01-03-2025 at 8:40 PM by M4rloncha
Early version of de_aholibrary_s0 released on 02/28/2007.

Huge thanks and credits to "Jonny (Cockstar)" and "[dumb] 芋大佐" who helped me find this map!
01-02-2025 at 8:45 PM by M4rloncha
Map released on 08/25/2008.

Huge thanks and credits to "Danto (Moria63)", "InfinityS-iwnl-" and "[dumb] 芋大佐" who helped me find this map!
01-02-2025 at 8:40 PM by Author
Monkey Secret Facility - Bomb/Defuse
by [AO:S]Theta Hogetive Arigata ((Link))
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorists from
bombing fuel tanks in the underground facility
or the horse statue in the yard.
Team members must defuse any bombs that
threaten targeted areas.
Terrorists: Demolish one of the two target areas.
Other Notes:
This map is made for Monkey Server.
So, there is a secret room in the map. :-)
(Press FIRE to continue)
01-02-2025 at 8:33 PM by M4rloncha
Map made for the "BIGLAN Socket2 & C-SEC Co-Sponsored Mapping Contest" in early 2006.
Map inspired by de_ahohouse from CS:1.6

Huge thanks and credits to "きくらげ (Dr.Moo)" and "[dumb] 芋大佐" who helped me find this map!
01-02-2025 at 8:20 PM by M4rloncha
Map inspired by the "S.K.I.L.L. Special Force 2" map "Sattelite".

Huge thanks and credits to "Monster (Kaibutsu_0901)" and "[dumb] 芋大佐" who helped me find this map!
01-02-2025 at 8:14 PM by Author
[AHO] Underground Office: Source - Bomb/Defuse
by [AHO]Feynman<Hoget!ve> ((Link))
- There are 2 bomb sites in the mission.
- This map is inspired by Special Force.
01-02-2025 at 8:01 PM by M4rloncha
Huge thanks and credits to "[dumb] 芋大佐" who helped me find this map!
01-02-2025 at 7:54 PM by Author
[AHO] Inferno Town: Source - Bomb/Defuse
by [AHO]Feynman<Hoget!ve> ((Link))
- There are 2 bomb sites in the mission.
- This map is inspired by CS:NEO.
01-02-2025 at 7:14 PM by Author
[AHO] Technologic Construction: Source - Bomb/Defuse
by [AHO]Feynman<Hoget!ve> ((Link))
- There are 2 bomb sites in the mission.
- This map is inspired by CS:NEO.
01-02-2025 at 6:54 PM by Author
[AHO] Night Pier: Source - Bomb/Defuse
by [AHO]Feynman<Hoget!ve> ((Link))
- There are 2 bomb sites in the mission.
- This map is inspired by CS:NEO.
01-02-2025 at 6:00 PM by Author
[AHO] Millitary Warehouse: Source - Bomb/Defuse
by [AHO]Feynman<Hoget!ve> ((Link))
- There are 2 bomb sites in the mission.
- This map is inspired by CS:NEO.
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Community 17b
come celebrate the hl2 anniversary on this hldm server:

waiting for you there!
11-16-2024 at 10:26 AM
11-16-2024 at 2:44 PM
@sToP !: Daniel Marcu, is it you? xD
11-16-2024 at 8:54 PM
11-17-2024 at 6:53 AM
A bit late but yes, download works again as intended. Thank you Arkshine!
11-23-2024 at 4:09 PM
Hi there! smiley
12-01-2024 at 4:42 PM
Подскажите код от дверей, пожалуйста
12-08-2024 at 10:12 PM
pro100klaus: 351759
12-10-2024 at 9:55 AM
Спасибо большое
12-11-2024 at 8:20 PM
12-22-2024 at 4:38 AM
Merry Christmas everybody!
12-24-2024 at 12:33 PM
MOerry Christmas all!!!smiley
12-24-2024 at 6:48 PM
I've submitted a map de_nuke2 totally unrelated to the existing one here. Can you please approve of it? :D
12-24-2024 at 10:51 PM
12-25-2024 at 6:20 AM
smiley Merry Christmas!
12-26-2024 at 12:55 AM
Help please smiley
12-26-2024 at 7:36 AM
Re de_nuke2, as there is already a de_nuke2 the 2024 map will need another name or the original will be erased.
12-26-2024 at 12:34 PM
Nice map Stop, and good video smiley, I saw it over at reddit.
12-26-2024 at 12:39 PM
okay, I see this cs 1.6 map with only a screenshot, looks like it could be removed from my pov, it doesn't even have an author.


but do as you think it's fair smiley
12-26-2024 at 1:50 PM
I dont think 17b allows two BSPs with the same filename, any other admins know how to keep to maps with same name? smiley
12-26-2024 at 5:36 PM
I've seen it has added my files to that existing map, since it hasn't got any author, can you put it on my behalf and I'll switch everything right? No rush, just saying :D
12-26-2024 at 8:19 PM
why does it matter if the author isn't mentioned? who tf cares who the author is, 99x of maps here would get removed by that metric of "lacking an author", the void made them I guess
12-28-2024 at 8:09 PM
also most maps also have only one screenshot, so another reason to remove them as being unworthy I guess
12-28-2024 at 8:11 PM
dude couldn't just concede and rename his map de_nuke3, that would have been asking too much
12-28-2024 at 8:17 PM
12-31-2024 at 8:12 AM
12-31-2024 at 11:29 AM
Happy New Year smiley
12-31-2024 at 11:29 AM
hny! FIXXOR I just mentioned before if they thought this was fair, if not just leave it as it is... I figured since it looks low effort, no author and not very popular mine could replace it, cheers! I also thought there could be many versions of de_nuke2 here without having to remove one in favour of the other
01-02-2025 at 9:52 AM
ok, I just go by the rule if a map with the name already exists it's better to rename to prevent mismatches and take the legacy of the scene into account
01-03-2025 at 12:09 AM
seems the certificate expired for the site, my heart skipped a beat there thinking that's it, but it's still up
02-07-2025 at 5:54 PM
void Hlbox17b Download - Virus?
  01-20-2025 at 7:51 PM by LiveWire
void Need .rmf File ♡ De_dust2_2020 .bsp
  01-09-2025 at 9:29 AM by ullonto
void Searching For Old Css Map
  01-09-2025 at 9:27 AM by ullonto
void Waypoints For Dod_kort_b4
  12-29-2024 at 9:43 AM by INsane_dod
void Can't Update A Map
  11-25-2024 at 1:41 AM by FIXXOR
void I Can't Download Any Maps
  11-10-2024 at 2:30 AM by Safety1st
void Hlbox17b Source Code
  10-08-2024 at 9:00 AM by Bernice Thompson
void Modifying Map - How Difficult
  10-06-2024 at 8:16 PM by LiveWire
void Resgen, Pack, Unpack: Allinone
  09-27-2024 at 10:45 PM by Safety1st

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17Buddies's website offers at this time 107 906 total uniques and verified maps including 59 024 HL1 maps, 45 579 HL2 maps and 3 303 CS:GO maps, representing 372,26 GB disk space.

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