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56 335 Items
05-30-2004 at 11:34 AM by Author
Syringe - Bomb/Defuse by Maczo
-> ******@******.***
Textures by Maczo & 'black brick' by John Hughes
-> ******@******.***
Industrial ambient & story by nimrod7
-> ******@******.***
Backgroud: Kolejny raz zrobiono na wojnie zloty interes.
pomoc humanitarna dla ofiar jednego z konfliktow w afryce
stala sie przykrywka dla handlu bronia i narkotykami.
Pewien radny trzymajacy w garsci policje i wszelkie agendy
bezpieczenstwa jednego z zachodnich panstw, sprawuje wladze
takze nad organizacja przesylajaca "pomoc humanitarna".
Dzieki tej organizacji moze bezpiecznie przeprowadzac
nielegalne transakcje. Znalazl sie jednak czlowiek, bedacy
niegdys czlonkiem jednej z agencji bezpieczenstwa, ktory
odkryl owy interes. Staral sie by wyszlo najaw co sie tak
na prawde dzieje, jednak zostal szybko uciszony i mimo
grozb smierci postanowil wziac sprawe w swoje rece. Po
nieudanym zamachu na radnego wynajal pewna grupe bojowa aby
wkroczyc na jego teren. Glownym celem jest wyeliminowanie
radnego przez wysadzenie budynku w ktorym prawdopodobnie
sie znajduje. Jesli sie okaze ze uciekl celem bedzie
wysadzenie czesci fabryki, co zatrzyma nielegalny handel do
czasu nastepnego zamachu.
Counter-Terrorists: Przekupiona policja broni kompleksu
biur i fabryki za bardzo duze pieniadze, dlatego nie moze
dopuscic by stalo sie cos zlego na terenie ktorego strzega.
Terrorists: Wkroczyc na obcy teren i jak najszybciej
rozpoznac czy dom radnego powinien byc celem ataku.
Jesli nie to udac sie w kierunku fabryki i zrobic jak
najwieksze szkody.
...milego grania
Pozdrowienia dla Kropecki! I podziekowania dla
PaQu i Caleba za pomoc przy testowaniu.
Pozdr. dla ludzi z CWC i W-Teamu.
05-30-2004 at 11:34 AM by Author
Swobb - Bomb/Defuse
Emil "[o-k]-de-de-" Alexis
Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the bombsites.
Team members must defuse any bombs
that threaten targeted areas.
The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy the
Other Notes:
There is 1 bombsite
stash in the mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
sunshine - Defusion
by UltraMagnus
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorists
from bombing the storage area's.
Terrorists: Destroy the storage area's.
Other Notes: There are 2 bomb sites in this
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
SunTower - Bomb/Defusion
Original layout and design by Davej.
Map finished and retextured by T-1000.
( | (******@******.***)
Textures by JoeSmoe, Questionable*Ethics,
Blazeer, Davej, and myself.
Map Overview by C3RBERUS
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorist
forces from destroying the lighthouse or the
storage room. Eliminate all Terrorists if necessary.
Terrorists: Destroy the lighthouse or the
storage room. Eliminate all CT's if necessary.
(Press Fire to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Dawn - Bomb/Defuse
by Mirar
Background: It's 5:30 am, dawn. The
attacking team need to bomb out the
communications of this military base
to prepare for a large-scale attack.
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the radio mast or the
computer central.
Team members must defuse any bombs
that threaten targeted areas.
Terrorists: The Terrorist must destroy
the base communications, either the
computer central below ground level
or the radio mast.
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Sunrise - Bomb/Defuse
by Mirar ******@******.***
It's early morning.
A sabotage team is preparing an enemy
invasion by taking out the communications.
Terrorists: Destroy the communication
abilities of this base by either breaking
the radio mast on the cliffside or by
taking out the communication computers
below ground level.
Counter-Terrorists: Neither the
radio mast or the computers must be
damaged. Protect the communication
base from the terrorists.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
De_Suburbs - Bomb Defuse
By [builder]Skeebz (Jamie Manson)
Terrorists have found some more secret
documents of the government's Secret
weapon around the city suburbs after
managing to destroy the documents in
de_archive. They are not far for the
archive. the documents have been hidden
in a local building and 2 transformers.
Destoy the transformers or take out the
Defend the documents at all costs. Make
use of the local buildings and their
the builder advertisement is not real
, so dont phone it ;)
WAD has been edited from the original
Dedicated to Easykill/Phoenix
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Manila Suburbia
By: BigBadWolf
Terrorists are importing cocaine
using food shipments on Manila docks.
The Pilippine police are on their
trail for months.. and with enough
evidence they will do a final raid..
Blow up all the evidence..
or kill all the CT's.. its up to you
Protect the evidence from the T's..
or kill each and everyone of them..
Note: there are 2 bomb targets
Dont forget to change your
underwear everyday!
Have fun Fraggin!
(Press Fire to Start)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
by Phantom ******@******.***
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the nuclear bombs.
Team members must defuse any bombs.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy 2 of the 4 bombs.
Other Notes: There are 2 bomb targets
in the mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Stronghold - Bombe/Désamorcer
par Moostix ******@******.***
site :
Anti-terroristes: Empêchez les terroristes
de faire exploser les vestiges qui sont stockés
dans des caisses.
Terroristes: Les terroristes doivent placer
la bombe sur une des deux cibles autour de la
carte et endommagez sérieusemment les
Notes: Deux sites de bombe, depart CT
et à coté du préau.
(Appuyez sur Tir principal pour continuer)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Sub:- Bomb mission
Author:-nathan goulden
e-mail:- ******@******.***
Background:-The story to this map is
that terrorists have taken over a vital
supply link to a major town in an
election period.Hostages have been
captured as extra bargining power.
the terrorists are planning to destroy
the fuel depot.
Counter-terrorists:-Nuetralise the bomb
Terrorists: Plant the bomb at all costs.
Other Notes:In each game one
terrorist starts with the bomb
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
First Strike - Bomb/Defuse By: Dr.J
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the bridge or the make -
shift command room located in a nearby
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy the bridge or the room.
Other Notes: There are 2 bomb targets
in this mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Stormhouse - Bomb/Defuse
By: Ojjis******@******.***
textures by Valve, prefabs from Prefabland
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing explosive crates in the mystic house
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the two target areas in the house
Other Notes: There are two bomb areas in the house.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Mapping & Concept by:
A big optic cable is the target of some
retro Terrorist.
Counter-Terrorists: Protect the cable or get
wipped by thousends of pissed surfers.
Terrorists: Work together to bring the human
back into reality. Without any digital aids.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Storm-Assault - Bomb / Defuse
by Felix Uhlenhut (Stormrider)
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorist
from bombing all.
Terrorists: Carrying the C4 must
destroy the depot.
(Press FIRE to get in ACTION)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Prodigy - Bomb/Defuse
by FLiPMoDE|Daank
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the two bomb targets marked
with decals. Bombpoints will be modified
for realism in later version.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 plant at one of the marked locations.
Make sure the bomb blows up, or eliminate
the Counter-Terrorist resistence.
Other Notes: There are 2 targets
in this mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
by Martijn Schrijver aka Dr.DK ******@******.***
Terrorists are attempting to destroy new biological weapons.
The weapons are hidden in an old abandoned stone pit.
COUNTER-TERRORISTS: Prevent terrorists from destroying
the new biological weapons. Make them stone cold ;p
The terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one
of the two biological weapon stashes.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Stein - Bomb/Defuse
by PanikSpreder ******@******.***
Location: Downtown in a danish city...
Story: A pub owner has refused to pay some money
to the local mob in the area and now they are threatning to blow
up the place. A terroist action group has been payed to blow
up the pub and is now under its way...
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the local pub. Team members must
defuse any bombs that threaten the tageted area.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy the pub by planting
the bomb.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Counter-Terrorists: Kill all Terrorists or defuse the bomb.
Terrorists: Kill all Counter-Terrorists or plant the bomb.
Other Notes: Map by [DoWn]Snakebyte. Special thanks to [DoWn]CheeZe!
Visit for clan info and more maps!
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:33 AM by Author
Staudamm2K (bomb/defuse)
by [KdSK]Punisher
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Community 17b
@SILENT KILLER the problem is not fixed
05-20-2024 at 11:54 PM
found a workaround, when downloading works, take a copy of PHPSESSID cookie value, when stopped not working, change the cookie with the copied one.
05-21-2024 at 12:24 AM
Cannot Download, Again.
05-21-2024 at 4:46 PM
Please fix this internal error in the MySQL database. Does not download the maps
05-28-2024 at 2:11 AM
@5eamus: de_dinaunion, de_dusferno2, de_aztdust2, de_byfly2. For sure there are more others. Forgot their name
05-30-2024 at 12:19 PM
@byplt thanks, the solution works for me smiley
05-31-2024 at 6:49 PM
can you send here a copy of PHPSESSID cookie value?
06-02-2024 at 6:21 PM
Hey, could you please fix the database error? I'm unable to download any maps. Thanks
06-03-2024 at 11:23 PM
I don't know who has in charge the maintenance of this site now. Too much time away from developpment for me..
Hope it will fixed soon smiley
06-04-2024 at 7:30 AM
Yo Chapo, been a while smiley
06-04-2024 at 8:59 AM
Chapo! smiley
06-04-2024 at 9:30 AM
Hi, Chapo!!!
06-04-2024 at 11:07 AM
If anyone can't download a map, please tell here immediately what map, so I can take a look at a recent example.

I tried the maps quoted above, but it works for me, even unlogged.

Also, I don't see anything obvious in the logs at first glance. Hopefully with a recent example, I will see something.
06-04-2024 at 4:19 PM
06-04-2024 at 6:47 PM
Yeh I get "Internal error in the MySQL database" with as well
06-04-2024 at 7:52 PM
problem still exists, could this be related to ip checking for bots? at least, as i mentioned above that, changing cookies affect downloading
06-04-2024 at 7:54 PM
Привет, Chapo smiley
06-04-2024 at 7:58 PM
I still can't reproduce it, but the access log shows that the web server request on was successful. At the same time, the error log shows "AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown'." It's unclear why.

The MySQL log is empty, which is odd. So, I updated the server and did a full reboot to generate a new file and reset things.

Let's see how it goes; I will mon
06-04-2024 at 11:33 PM
I will monitor the logs*
06-04-2024 at 11:34 PM
still not working, i changed my phpsessid cookie and it works. I sent pm the cookie value.
06-05-2024 at 12:12 AM
send me that value
06-05-2024 at 9:42 AM
i can't, it might relation to the my account
06-05-2024 at 3:42 PM
I still cannot download any map
06-05-2024 at 8:49 PM
Download is not working. Please fix.
06-06-2024 at 4:20 AM
"1 - You can't access this file directly." Keep getting this error.
06-06-2024 at 2:58 PM
By the way, this is not by clicking on single files individually, but when trying to download the entire ZIP archive.
06-06-2024 at 2:59 PM
It won't let me download or select individual files
06-07-2024 at 9:27 PM
Can't download any map (Internal error in MySQL database)
06-10-2024 at 6:26 PM
The MYSQL error was frustrating so i got the map i needed for CS1.6 here
06-12-2024 at 2:48 AM
Произошла ошибка во время выполнения операции:

Internal error in the MySQL database.

Пожалуйста проверьте свои данные. Благодарим за сообщение об этой ошибке на форуме.
06-13-2024 at 10:24 AM
void Searching For Old Css Map
 Today at 3:02 AM by tonny
void No Anda Bajar Mapas
  06-12-2024 at 2:39 AM by FunnyMan2
void Valorant Competitions
  06-07-2024 at 2:32 PM by Bronco
void De_inferno_cz Problem
  06-06-2024 at 3:03 PM by kfxgv2ltjl
void Sourceforts Map Archive
  06-06-2024 at 2:45 AM by alexreynolds
void Hlbox17b Source Code
  06-04-2024 at 7:21 AM by Chapo
void New Downloads Rules
  05-09-2024 at 2:14 PM by rinmumu266

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17Buddies's website offers at this time 107 687 total uniques and verified maps including 58 828 HL1 maps, 45 556 HL2 maps and 3 303 CS:GO maps, representing 371,50 GB disk space.

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