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56 335 Items
05-30-2004 at 11:30 AM by Author
Zur Information:
Salvatierra de Esca ist ein kleiner Ort in Spanien
am Rio Esca.
Bombe legen
dieses verhindern :)
Kommentare, Bugs, Verbesserungen ins
Forum (
Von: [GaR]-Kifferkollege
Veroeffendlichung: April 2002
r_speeds: *hab mir Muehe gegeben*
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05-30-2004 at 11:30 AM by Author
Sahel-Zone - Bomb/Defuse
mapping by: bkl.lcs|Spontana
texturing by: bkl.lcs|Spontana
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the tank and weapon crates.
Team members must defuse any bombs
that threaten targeted areas.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the tank and
weapon stashes.
Other Notes: There are 2 bomb
spots in the mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:30 AM by Author
Made by Lewis_Saint
on 02/01/03
E-mail******@******.***with Comments!
05-30-2004 at 11:30 AM by Author
SAFRAN - Bomb/Defuse
*** ***
by DO&TRAKONYA ******@******.***
Additional textures by DO
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing historical inns.
Team members must defuse any bombs
that threaten targeted areas.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the historical
Other Notes: There are 2 inns.
1-)Tasci Inn
2-)Cinci Inn
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
Safehouse - Bomb/Defuse
by ShadowXOR ******@******.***
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the government safehouse.
It is home to sensitive files regarding
terrorist organizations, their locations,
and activities.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must place the bomb at one of the two
bomb sites around the map, thereby
destroying the computers and files storing
the sensitive information regarding the
Terrorist organization.
.wads used:
zhlt.wad, halflife.wad, Kami-platinum.wad,
zhlt.wad, cs_havana.wad, cs_bdog.wad
de_piranesi.wad, decals.wad
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
Sabotage - Bomb/Defuse
by //.avalanche ******@******.***
textures by Than ******@******.*** & Shebob ******@******.***
Terrorists are attempting to bomb a weapons
factory located in the isolated Las Vegas
Secure and protect both weapons stashes.
Eliminate the terorists before they have a
chance to plant the bomb or defuse any bombs
threatening targeted areas.
Destroy either weapons stashes, co-inciding
with afilliate group bombings to promote
global chaos. Eliminate any Counter-Terrorist
Other Notes:
There are 2 bomb sites in the mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
Russia Terror - Bomb/Defuse
by: [DSLR]Abu <******@******.***> &
[DSLR]Eldritch <******@******.***>
Made with the support of DSLR. (
Counter-Terrorists: Stop the terrorists from blowing up
the chemical crates at the two targeted bomb sites.
Terrorists: Plant the bomb at one of the two bomb sites.
Either blow up the crates in the garage for the warehouse
or destroy the warehouse storing the chemical crates.
Other Notes: Bomb Site 1 is inside the warehouse. Bomb Site 2
is in the garage near the warehouse.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
Half-Life Counter Strike Map Spec Sheet
------General Information--------------------------------------------
Title: ruins For Counter Strike Defussion
Filename: de_ruinsnet.bsp
Author: the_hunter [Jason Castillo]
Author Email:******@******.***
Home page: none
Description: The US Counter Terrorist force got word from a undercover informant that a terrorist group was going to bomb the LAMBDA complex in downtown. Unknown to the CT team, the terrorists have a backup target, a populated apartment buiding, in case the fist target is blocked.
Previous Maps: locknload,lnl2,lnl3,night_r,cs_alley,cs_lnl2,cs_lnl3,cs_ruins,cs_ruins2
------Credits and Thanks---------------------------------------------
HAL-PC[], ~SEEKER~[my bro], DErAileD, NEverminD, OMEGA187, [TGC]Manaspawn, [TGC]Deadman99, AA-iceman, Buffaloo, Tank, EyeBurn, Yashu, Hoju, Talon[yeah you!!], ALL WHO ATTENDED THE HAL-PC LANPARTY[] Also all the guys and gals a the Walden Internet village in Houston TX, for providing a awsome Lanparty, and keep'n those servers fly!
------Additional Info, Tips, and Notes-------------------------------
------Play Information-----------------------------------------------
Deathmatch: none
Single Player: none
CStrike TP : none [check cs_ruins2]
CStrike DE: YES
Map Description: basic DE rules
How Many Players: 20 max
------Map Information------------------------------------------------
New Textures: all standard textures for CS
New Sounds: No
Base: cs_ruins2, a map done by me
Editor(s) used: Worldcraft 2.1
Compile Machine: PII with 128 megs of ram, an(...)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
de_rotte_beta - Bomb/Defuse
Mapping & textures by Zyndrone
Sky by 3D_Mike
This is the a beta version of the map.
Sounds will be added, and r_speeds will be
fixed and many other cool things will be added.
Terrorists: Bomb the bed
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent from bombing
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
de_rotte - Bomb/Defuse
Mapping & textures by Zyndrone
Sky by 3D_Mike
Terrorists: Bomb the bed
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent from bombing
Other info: There are only 1 bombspot.
And it's located in the bed.
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
de_room33 - Bomb/Defuse
by m. ( -******@******.***
Blow up the targets.
Stop them??
Other Notes: There are 2 targets
in this mission.
(Max 10 players)
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
Roman Ruins - Bomb/Defuse
by Heaven ******@******.***
Counter-Terrorist: Prevent Terrorist
from bombing important sites in the
Roman ruins. Team members must
defuse any bombs that threaten
these sites.
Terrorist: Try to blow up one of the
important diging site.
Other Notes: There are two diging
sites in the map. And remember:
"Don't eat yellow snow!"
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
Rome - Bomb/Defuse
by Pephers ******@******.***
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing wine thins.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy the wine thins.
Other Notes: There are two places with
wine thins.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
de_room - Bomb/Defuse
by MooN_Master ******@******.***
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing .
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy the counterterroist base.
Other Notes: de_room is action mission
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
de_romanbath-- Bomb/Defuse
by Cooley ******@******.***
An ancient Roman fortress with bath has been found, dug up, and converted
to a museum. The terrorist have decided to destroy this valuable historical
landmark. The Counter-terrorist must stop them. There are two bombsites
labeled sites 1 and 2.
Counter-Terrorists: Stop the terrorists from destroying the roman fortress and baths
or kill all of them.
Terrorists: Destroy the Roman bath and fortress or eliminated the CT's
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
RockRidge - Bomb/Defuse - by Dragon (
The U.S. Government has placed an anti-nuke installation
in the mountains near the town of Rock Ridge, Montana.
Terrorists: Your leaders have declared this location
a symbol of American power and have targeted it for
destruction. The Terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy
the anti-nuke missile or its command center.
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists from bombing the
anti-nuke missile or its command center. Team members
must defuse any bombs that threaten these targets.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
by Seraph
******@******.***(for real)
Unzip into your cstrike/maps directory
Stroy: A lab somewhere in mexico has just created a way to teleport
materials and humans. Once a group of terrorists find this out they decide to destroy the lab and the teleportation technology.
The terrorists want to destroy the lab because the teleportation technology would put an end to
there criminal activitys because swat members could be teleported to a crime site instantly and stop the crime.
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the labs
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must place the bomb at one of the two
bomb sites around the map, thereby
destroying one of the labs
Credits: Cromoly for giveing me the idea for the map
ZeDMAN for helping me test
Zoner for his wonderfull compiling tools that aloud me to compile this map on my crappy computer
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
BETA VER 23 feb 2003
Place the bomb in Rolfville
This map is made by [RS]^@dmin
icq: 17054370
Still got BugZ
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
de_rockford...eine wahrlich coole map!!
ich hab nicht lang fuer
sie gebraucht!!! aber oho
sie besteht eigentlich nur
aus einem langen gang!!!
ca. in der mitt wo das schild ist
muessen die terrors die c4bombe
jedes teams hat zwei mp5 am amfang liegen!!
made by bloody.Be@meR
05-30-2004 at 11:29 AM by Author
THE ROCK - Bomb/Defuse
Map & Textures by Ben Thorpe (JSOW)
and Matthew O'Gorman (SLAM-ER)
CTs: Prevent the missiles being
launched and/or eliminate the
terrorist marines.
Ts: You know you will never see
the money you asked for so you must
launch a missile to make them pay
(with their lives)!
(Press Fire to Continue)
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Community 17b
@SILENT KILLER the problem is not fixed
05-20-2024 at 11:54 PM
found a workaround, when downloading works, take a copy of PHPSESSID cookie value, when stopped not working, change the cookie with the copied one.
05-21-2024 at 12:24 AM
Cannot Download, Again.
05-21-2024 at 4:46 PM
Please fix this internal error in the MySQL database. Does not download the maps
05-28-2024 at 2:11 AM
@5eamus: de_dinaunion, de_dusferno2, de_aztdust2, de_byfly2. For sure there are more others. Forgot their name
05-30-2024 at 12:19 PM
@byplt thanks, the solution works for me smiley
05-31-2024 at 6:49 PM
can you send here a copy of PHPSESSID cookie value?
06-02-2024 at 6:21 PM
Hey, could you please fix the database error? I'm unable to download any maps. Thanks
06-03-2024 at 11:23 PM
I don't know who has in charge the maintenance of this site now. Too much time away from developpment for me..
Hope it will fixed soon smiley
06-04-2024 at 7:30 AM
Yo Chapo, been a while smiley
06-04-2024 at 8:59 AM
Chapo! smiley
06-04-2024 at 9:30 AM
Hi, Chapo!!!
06-04-2024 at 11:07 AM
If anyone can't download a map, please tell here immediately what map, so I can take a look at a recent example.

I tried the maps quoted above, but it works for me, even unlogged.

Also, I don't see anything obvious in the logs at first glance. Hopefully with a recent example, I will see something.
06-04-2024 at 4:19 PM
06-04-2024 at 6:47 PM
Yeh I get "Internal error in the MySQL database" with as well
06-04-2024 at 7:52 PM
problem still exists, could this be related to ip checking for bots? at least, as i mentioned above that, changing cookies affect downloading
06-04-2024 at 7:54 PM
Привет, Chapo smiley
06-04-2024 at 7:58 PM
I still can't reproduce it, but the access log shows that the web server request on was successful. At the same time, the error log shows "AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown'." It's unclear why.

The MySQL log is empty, which is odd. So, I updated the server and did a full reboot to generate a new file and reset things.

Let's see how it goes; I will mon
06-04-2024 at 11:33 PM
I will monitor the logs*
06-04-2024 at 11:34 PM
still not working, i changed my phpsessid cookie and it works. I sent pm the cookie value.
06-05-2024 at 12:12 AM
send me that value
06-05-2024 at 9:42 AM
i can't, it might relation to the my account
06-05-2024 at 3:42 PM
I still cannot download any map
06-05-2024 at 8:49 PM
Download is not working. Please fix.
06-06-2024 at 4:20 AM
"1 - You can't access this file directly." Keep getting this error.
06-06-2024 at 2:58 PM
By the way, this is not by clicking on single files individually, but when trying to download the entire ZIP archive.
06-06-2024 at 2:59 PM
It won't let me download or select individual files
06-07-2024 at 9:27 PM
Can't download any map (Internal error in MySQL database)
06-10-2024 at 6:26 PM
The MYSQL error was frustrating so i got the map i needed for CS1.6 here
06-12-2024 at 2:48 AM
Произошла ошибка во время выполнения операции:

Internal error in the MySQL database.

Пожалуйста проверьте свои данные. Благодарим за сообщение об этой ошибке на форуме.
06-13-2024 at 10:24 AM
void Searching For Old Css Map
 Today at 3:02 AM by tonny
void No Anda Bajar Mapas
  06-12-2024 at 2:39 AM by FunnyMan2
void Valorant Competitions
  06-07-2024 at 2:32 PM by Bronco
void De_inferno_cz Problem
  06-06-2024 at 3:03 PM by kfxgv2ltjl
void Sourceforts Map Archive
  06-06-2024 at 2:45 AM by alexreynolds
void Hlbox17b Source Code
  06-04-2024 at 7:21 AM by Chapo
void New Downloads Rules
  05-09-2024 at 2:14 PM by rinmumu266

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17Buddies's website offers at this time 107 687 total uniques and verified maps including 58 828 HL1 maps, 45 556 HL2 maps and 3 303 CS:GO maps, representing 371,50 GB disk space.

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