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56 335 Items
05-30-2004 at 11:20 AM by Author
Facing plans - Hostage Rescue and Defuse map
Mapping by:
The Immoratal******@******.***
Textures by Valve.
Counter-Terrorists: Rescue the hostages
at the terrorists plan or defuse the bomb,
or kill all the terrorists.
Terrorists: Destroy the CTs hideout,
or kill all CTs and prevent them from
saving the hostages.
Other notes: There are 2 hostages in
this mission and one bomb site.
Have fun!
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:20 AM by Author
par FabHacker -******@******.***
Bienvenue à tous sur , la carte Counter-Strike!
/> Terroristes:
Posez la bombe à l'intérieur de l'anciennne
réserve d'explosif désafectée, au pris de
votre vie s'il le faut: ne comptez pas trop
en sortir vivant...!
/> Counter-Terroristes:
Empêchez les terroristes d'agir: si la
veille réserve explose, elle explosera sans
doutes avec tous ce qui est dans son
périmètre, et avec vous aussi!
05-30-2004 at 11:20 AM by Author
Extrem Verwirrung - Bomb/Defuse
by Ferdi ******@******.***
Background: Gubts ned...
Counter-Terrorists: Ts umlegen
Terrorists: CTs umlegen
(oder ab und zu mal die Bombe legen)
Other Notes: There are 2 bombtargets
in the mission.
837 Faces
137 Saeulen
1 Kasten ausenrum
21 Lichter
8x Counter-Terroristen
0.16MB Texturen
erweiterte Version in Arbeit =) ...
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:20 AM by Author
Explosive Crates-Defusion/Bomb
by Dis Guy Here
Terrorist dudes: You've taken over a building
and are threatening to set a bomb, which
will cause mass destruction. Set the c4
at one of the bomb areas.
You CT guys: Stop the terrorists
from bombing the building at all means.
If needed, defuse the live bomb. Beware from
bomb explosions.
Other Notes: Holds 32 people max. There are
"hidden" explosives in the area. Terrorists
cannot buy weapons, due to bomb site advantage.
(Press FIRE if you want to.)
05-30-2004 at 11:20 AM by Author
Executive - Bomb/Defuse
By [DNv]Cross ******@******.***
Briefing: Interslice Technologies, a
major military supplier, is in the
process of creating a new AI weapons
program. However, a group of
terrorists has taken up arms in an
attempt to end production. The SAS
has been called in.
Counter-Terrorists: Protect the two
parts of the program by eliminating
the disgruntled amish and any threats
to the program.
Terrorists: Destroy the AI program
by bombing either of two servers.
Map Design by [DNv]Cross
Textures by Steve Striet
Original swat car design by ComaWhite
Swat car modifications by [DNv]Cross
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:20 AM by Author
Police Station - bomb/defuse
by OmniM4pp0r ******@******.***
Story: The police have captured 2 terrorists,
And now know the location of the terrorists hide out.
The terrorists are going to assault the
police station. Either to destroy the evidence
Or rescue the captured terrorists...
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the terrorists
from bombing the police station.
Terrorists: Bomb one of the bomb spots
in the police station.
Other Notes: There are 2 bomb spots.
(jails and planning room)
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:20 AM by Author
This is my first real map
This map is made by EsChRiChT (Johannes Eschricht) Sweden.
My E-mail adress is******@******.***
Enjoy!!! Hope you like it!
05-30-2004 at 11:20 AM by Author
mc_escher compile 0.1.19
by Steve Prior (fatalkey_0x033 at
T's have gotta blow stuff up (as usual), and
the CTs have gotta stop them.
Insert lame story-line here.
Thanks to the mapping community.
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
de_escher by [XEV]the Carpenter.
Map supports 8 players.
6 or 7 hrs.(There were a few good CS breaks in there ...
so I ain't sure.LOL !!!) build & compile time using:
WorldCraft3, CS Expert fgd. & Zoner's HL Tools.
Ts: Blow up the big target where the Cts spawn.
CTs: Stop them.
Try NOT to get sick in there. LOL !!!
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
Peanut/Erdnuss War
by Bruder D
Terrorists: Search the bombsite and blow
a hole into the shell to escape.
CT´s: Visit
*press fire to continue*
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
Escarmouche2 - Defusal
by jerome vlerick ******@******.***
Terrorists are trying to bomb the site but
this map is no really a defusal
Counter-Terrorists: Shoot the terrorists
Terrorists: Shoot the Counter-Terrorists
Don't place the bomb, it's stupid on
this small map
You should buy grenads and launch them
on the enemies for the fun ;)
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
by SNIPER[SAD], 27.01.2001
The CT's (Starfleet) have to defend the ship.
The T's (Borg) have to destroy it by placing a bomb near the Warpcore
or in a freight room.
In this map the money is "replicator energy". Projecile Weapons are used,
because the Borg can't "adjust" to such weapons.
The map is a bit complex so get familiar to it before you play it.
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
Endanger - Bomb/Defuse
by Gladiator ******@******.***
Graffiti skins by The Mighty Pete
and lots of very tanlented graffiti
Door skins by Dethtex.
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the pipeline who goes
under the bomb areas. Team members
must defuse any bombs that threaten
targeted areas.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy the pipeline.
Other Notes: There are 2 bomb targets
in the mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
-=Embassy Bombing=-
by [wtf?]CrowbarSniper
On the day before an important press
conferance, terrorists have threatened
to bomb the building. Take out the
terrorists before they blow
anything up.
Terrorists...blow some stuff up!
(2 targets: podium and chopper)
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
de_electrified by: Snork2002 ******@******.***
Textures are by: Blazeeer! and 3dMike
An old base outside the forests.
Terrorists: Bomb one of the two powerlines,
that will make all villages around powerless.
This is a good way to threat the people, and
show that you are serious.
Counter-Terrorists: A source close to the
terrorist-group, have informed you about
their plans.
Prevent them from bombing the powerlines.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
Elimlair - Bomb/Defuse
by Eliminator (affiliated with JOEs,
member of Black Roses from MW3)
Welcome to Elim's Lair
Visit for my website
Terrorists: The Terrorists have knowledge
of Eliminator's army of chickens. They are
held beside the two pits of toxic water. Bomb
the ground above to bury one of the flocks of
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from killing the commando chickens.
Either eliminate all Terrorists, or defuse
the C4 once it has been planted.
Note: Do not fall into the toxic water.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
Die Stellung Version 1
In den letzten 2 Jahren wurden 17 Flugzeuge über der Wüste abgeschossen,
dabei wurden keine Unterschiede gemacht, ob es nun militärische oder Zivile
Maschinen waren... Die Regierung setzte große Anstrengungen daran diese militanten
Stellungen auszuheben.. doch da diese ihre Camps ständig wechselten und sich gut
tarnten war es noch nie gelungen ein solches Camp auszuheben... inzwischen starben
durch diese Feigen Anschläge schon 217 Menschen.... Hoher finanzieller Aufwand war
nötig, um die notwendigen Informationen zu erkaufen... Es wurde keine Sekunde
gezögert. Bevor die Terroristen auch nur den geringsten Verdacht wittern sollten,
wurden die Koordinaten mit Raketen beschossen. Kritiker nannten dieses Vorgehen
unmenschlich und behaupten das diese Aktion von der Regierung zu Hart war... Sie
verglichen den Angriff auf die Stellungen der Terroristen, mit Kanonen auf Spatzen
schießen. Bei der Menge die das Militär auf die Stellung abgeschossen hatte dürfte
da unten nichts überlebt haben. Militärische Spezialeinheiten hätten diese Situation
menschlicher regeln können.
Um die Gemüter zu beruhigen entschloss sich die Regierung, eine Einheit in diese Region
zu entsenden. Da anschließende Sattelitenfotos zum großen erstaunen, doch noch lebende
Terroristen sichtbar machten, muss es einen unterirdischen Komplex geben von dem noch
nichts bekannt ist. In einem Nachteinsatz wurden die Soldaten nahe bei der Stellung
abgesetzt. Sie haben den Befehl Verletzte zu bergen, Beweise zu sichern und nur wenn
sie angegriffen werden die Terroristen zu eliminieren. Wir warten auf ihre berichte...
Aus der Sicht der Anti-Terror Einheit:
In einem Nachteinsatz wurden die Soldaten abgesetzt. Augen auf halten. Die Beweise sichern.
Nicht zulassen das die Feindlichen Elemente dazu kommen die Waffen zu(...)
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
de_egyptiantemple2k - Bomb/Defuse
by Blade ******@******.***
THX to Cortex, Atomfried, Alex No.1 and Bad Girl
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing the pyramid or the hall.
Team members must defuse any
bombs that threaten targeted areas.
Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy the pyramid or the
Other Notes: There are 2 targets and
32 player-starts in this Map.
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
de_egyptian 28 August 2003
by Eduardo R. Macaranas a.k.a. Bad_boy
Computer Programmer III University of the Philippines
UP SPMO **920-53-74 ******@******.***
1. The people behind the CS-MAPS.JOLT.CO.UK who publish their
excellent tutorial for the entities to comes alive in the world
of 3D's.
2. The people who pose their prefabs creation
a. Isaac Greenbride - for his helicopter design.
b. The BMW prefabs - sorry guys i lost ur file, forgot ur name
3. The Wad maker software Wally for his sweeet wad maker
4. The creator of cs_italy.wad,de_aztec.wad,de_dust.wad
5. The people behind the birth- in the world of 3D's Worldcraft map maker
And a very Special Thanks to our Filipina MOdels
1. Khaycee
2. blue butterfly
3. Love_ko_c_loves
4. Shasha
5. Yvone
6. Rizaii
10. Bad_boy (it's me hehehe)
11. Loraine & jenzen
12. Angel blossom
And of course the half-life staff for their creative texture design.
and the powerful half-life engine who brings up all players in their
best of play.
Thanks to all of you guys!!!!! Nice to be back hahahahhaha.
Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorists for
bombing the Amorsolo's paintings.
Terrorists: Destroy the valuable painting,antique ruins.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 11:19 AM by Author
Eggfart Night - Bomb/Defuse
Made by Mazy
Counter-Terrorists: Stop the Terrorist's
from blowing up the Pringles!
Terrorists: Bomb the Pringles!
Other Notes: There are 2 pringles in
this map, plant the bomb near them!
(Press FIRE to continue)
/me donces in the dark
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Community 17b
@SILENT KILLER the problem is not fixed
05-20-2024 at 11:54 PM
found a workaround, when downloading works, take a copy of PHPSESSID cookie value, when stopped not working, change the cookie with the copied one.
05-21-2024 at 12:24 AM
Cannot Download, Again.
05-21-2024 at 4:46 PM
Please fix this internal error in the MySQL database. Does not download the maps
05-28-2024 at 2:11 AM
@5eamus: de_dinaunion, de_dusferno2, de_aztdust2, de_byfly2. For sure there are more others. Forgot their name
05-30-2024 at 12:19 PM
@byplt thanks, the solution works for me smiley
05-31-2024 at 6:49 PM
can you send here a copy of PHPSESSID cookie value?
06-02-2024 at 6:21 PM
Hey, could you please fix the database error? I'm unable to download any maps. Thanks
06-03-2024 at 11:23 PM
I don't know who has in charge the maintenance of this site now. Too much time away from developpment for me..
Hope it will fixed soon smiley
06-04-2024 at 7:30 AM
Yo Chapo, been a while smiley
06-04-2024 at 8:59 AM
Chapo! smiley
06-04-2024 at 9:30 AM
Hi, Chapo!!!
06-04-2024 at 11:07 AM
If anyone can't download a map, please tell here immediately what map, so I can take a look at a recent example.

I tried the maps quoted above, but it works for me, even unlogged.

Also, I don't see anything obvious in the logs at first glance. Hopefully with a recent example, I will see something.
06-04-2024 at 4:19 PM
06-04-2024 at 6:47 PM
Yeh I get "Internal error in the MySQL database" with as well
06-04-2024 at 7:52 PM
problem still exists, could this be related to ip checking for bots? at least, as i mentioned above that, changing cookies affect downloading
06-04-2024 at 7:54 PM
Привет, Chapo smiley
06-04-2024 at 7:58 PM
I still can't reproduce it, but the access log shows that the web server request on was successful. At the same time, the error log shows "AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown'." It's unclear why.

The MySQL log is empty, which is odd. So, I updated the server and did a full reboot to generate a new file and reset things.

Let's see how it goes; I will mon
06-04-2024 at 11:33 PM
I will monitor the logs*
06-04-2024 at 11:34 PM
still not working, i changed my phpsessid cookie and it works. I sent pm the cookie value.
06-05-2024 at 12:12 AM
send me that value
06-05-2024 at 9:42 AM
i can't, it might relation to the my account
06-05-2024 at 3:42 PM
I still cannot download any map
06-05-2024 at 8:49 PM
Download is not working. Please fix.
06-06-2024 at 4:20 AM
"1 - You can't access this file directly." Keep getting this error.
06-06-2024 at 2:58 PM
By the way, this is not by clicking on single files individually, but when trying to download the entire ZIP archive.
06-06-2024 at 2:59 PM
It won't let me download or select individual files
06-07-2024 at 9:27 PM
Can't download any map (Internal error in MySQL database)
06-10-2024 at 6:26 PM
The MYSQL error was frustrating so i got the map i needed for CS1.6 here
06-12-2024 at 2:48 AM
Произошла ошибка во время выполнения операции:

Internal error in the MySQL database.

Пожалуйста проверьте свои данные. Благодарим за сообщение об этой ошибке на форуме.
06-13-2024 at 10:24 AM
void Searching For Old Css Map
 Yesterday at 3:02 AM by tonny
void No Anda Bajar Mapas
  06-12-2024 at 2:39 AM by FunnyMan2
void Valorant Competitions
  06-07-2024 at 2:32 PM by Bronco
void De_inferno_cz Problem
  06-06-2024 at 3:03 PM by kfxgv2ltjl
void Sourceforts Map Archive
  06-06-2024 at 2:45 AM by alexreynolds
void Hlbox17b Source Code
  06-04-2024 at 7:21 AM by Chapo
void New Downloads Rules
  05-09-2024 at 2:14 PM by rinmumu266

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Our site hosts 35838 registered members.

60 absolute unique visitors today (410 yesterday).

17Buddies's website offers at this time 107 687 total uniques and verified maps including 58 828 HL1 maps, 45 556 HL2 maps and 3 303 CS:GO maps, representing 371,50 GB disk space.

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