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56 335 Items
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
by [D.A.]Vincent Vega
Background: Terrorists have taken
over the military base around
dawn and threaten important
Terrorists: Stop the incoming
Cops at all costs and defend the
Counter-Terrorists: Rescue the
scientists and take out any
for news and coming maps.
Other Notes: There are 4 hostages in
the mission.
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
Par [DIABLO]Pedro :::: :::::
Scenario :
Des terroristes ont pris d'assaut une boîte
de nuit Clermontoise. Le GIGN, alerté par
l'alarme silencieuse déclenchée par un videur,
a été dépéché sur les lieux, l'état jugeant la
situation critique.
Anti-terroristes : Délivrez les otages en les
ramenant à votre point de départ ou tuez tous
les teroristes. Il y a 5 otages : 2 dans le
bureau, 2 dans les cages et un dans la salle
Terroristes : Empéchez le GIGN de délivrer les
Max_Players : 30 (15 vs 15)
Cette map est la première du clan [DIABLO],
mais il y en aura d'autres, c'est promis.
Slayer bosse actuellement (03/01)
sur une map hyper grande qui représente un
hangar militaire avec silos nucléaires et
totu et tout ! Elle devrait être prete d'ici
le mois de Mai, et elle sera suivie d'autres
du même style puisque c'est un peu son theme
Death Angel pense lui à faire une piscine
comme cadre pour une map cs
Moi-même, je vais probablement m'orienter
vers une map au design très simple mais
le plus agréable possible à jouer, style
Visitez le web du clan [DIABLO] pour être tenu
au courant de l'évolution de ces travaux.
Clan de la région Clermontoise (Puy-de-Dôme)
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
--------[ Level Information ]--------
Title: New Mansion (counter-strike)
Version: 1.3
Release Date: 01/06/00
Filename: cs_newmansion.bsp
Author: JohnWoo/Kaptain Kick Ass
Build Time: 4 days
Complile Time: 125 min.
Max. Rspeeds:
- 34fps/19ms/1460wpoly/1023epoly
Thanks To:
Heiko,Lars,Andy,Christian & Niki.
& you for Playing it ;D.
------[ Press Fire to continue ]------
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
crée par -=[JET D'AIL]=-
Anti-terroristes : Survivez si vous
le pouvez et pour les plus audacieux
sauvez les otages !!!
Terroristes : empêchez l'équipe
anti-terroriste de libérer les otages.
(Appuyez sur TIR pour continuer)
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
The negotiator - Hostage Rescue
by Elukka ******@******.***
Counter-Terrorists: Rescue the hostages.
Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist
force from rescuing the hostages.
Other Notes: There are 5 hostages in
the mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
NCruins2 - Rettet die Geiseln
by [NC]Pulp ******@******.*** V.n211d
Counter-Terroristen: Holt die Geiseln aus dem Gebiet
jenseits der großen Straße und bringt sie zum
Terroristen: Haltet die Counter-Terroristen davon ab,
die Geiseln zu retten.
Zur Information: Es gibt 4 Geiseln im Level.
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
Map Made By Hussain who is really mad and loves Counter Strike
Guys and girls plzaying this map info: this is my first map so enjoy it
Conters must rescue the Hostages
Terrors must not let that happen
so simple
made by hussain sait
edited by hussain sait
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
NBC-Giga - Hostage Rescue
Von Erik (Wohlie)
05-30-2004 at 10:58 AM by Author
ncRuins - Hostage Rescue
updated version of cs_ruins -
runs now with cs5 and higher
by [NC]Pulp -******@******.***
Counter-Terrorists: Rescue the hostages.
Take out the Terrorists without jeopardizing
the hostages.
Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist
force from rescuing the hostages.
Other Notes: There are 4 hostages in
the mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
Nam - Hostage Rescue
by EricR ******@******.***
Counter-Terrorists: Stay alive.
Get the hostages back to your base.
Again, stay alive.
Terrorists: Stay alive, keep the
CT's from rescuing the hostages.
Other Notes: Becareful you might
fall and hurt yourself..
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
My Town - Hostage Rescue
Mapping by:
Robb AKA -PC-Tim ******@******.***
Textures/Graphics by:
Find the list IN the map. I made some and
modified some myself.
Counter-Terrorists: Navigate your way
through the town or sewers and get those
Hostages from the foreign Terrorists who
have taken over a web development company
Terrorists: Prevent the Counter-Terrorists
from rescuing the Hostages or eliminate
the Counter-Terrorists.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
Hostage execution/rescue
CTs: Wack the T's.
Terrorists: Wack the CTs.
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
cs_mwarehouse -
[Military Warehouse] Hostage Rescue
By Nigel Yardley aka [EEV] FRAGma
Terrorists have taken control of a
remote military warehouse on a
deserted housing estate.
You have been despatched to secure
the warehouse, rescue any hostages
and eliminate the terrorists.
-Prevent the Counter-Terrorists from
rescuing the hostages.
Eliminate as many CT as possible.
-Rescue the hostages with as little
collateral damage as possible.
thx to [EEV]KamiKaze for technical help
[EEV]Rizla for play testing
For this beta version i've used a few prefabs
created by other ppl. Hopefully if I
get chance in later beta versions i'll
redo them with me own. Thx to;
Yak_Fighter for trucks inside and bins,
Sojorn for truck outside,
Maniac for frieght elevator,
C|oud for platform [Modified] &
chickenpanzer for glass tunnel [Modified]
I understand u spent hours on these models
and I use them acknowledging this.
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
This map was made by |[DT]|[NuMbFiNgEr]|[GeN]|
AIM: GrimlinClock
Old fashion war theme, ct's come in on beach, terr strart in bunker. Defend your country!
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
Mustafa - Hostage Rescue
Desert-Storm Command:
Rescue the hostages.
Take out the arab Terrorists,leaded
by a man known as Mustafa.
Terrorists: Prevent imperialism
American forces from rescuing our
Give your live for Mustafa!!!
Other Notes: There are 4 hostages
(German workersfrom a refugees' camp)
in the mission.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
Müsli - Hostage Rescue
by RaVen and ww
Counter-Terrorists: you have been smoking
to much müsli, you are all dreaming about
the land of the müsli.
Terrorists: Prevent the Counter-terrorist
from smoking more müsli!
Other Notes: this map is a tribute to our dwarf
friend Stedden!
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
by Nigel Tombs aka [AoS]CptBubbleGum
Custom textures for cs_movie.wad by Nigel Tombs aka [AoS]CptBubbleGum
Background: Terrorists have robbed local Jewelers to finance weapons
After a bungled raid, the alarm has been raised and terrorists have taken
in movie theatre next door taking 4 members of staff as hostage.
Counter-Terrorists: Rescue hostages from Movie Theatre and get them to
safety of personnel bus.
Terrorists: Stay alive and complete your mission for your insane commander.
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
Military Police Headquarters
Storyline: A Terrorist group has taken over the MP HQ
The CT's job is to save the hostages,
or eliminate the terrorist's and secure MP's HQ
number of hostages:4
beta info: v.4 final
mapper: pierre steen a.k.a []V[].[]Dl**BiFF**l (stalker)
This is my first map so it might have some bugs. I got a lot of
help from counter-map (
and MP GuanO helpt me with ideas. The settings of the map is
dark and best played that way, so turn down the brightness on
your screens a bit.
The MP: MP is a clan of friends who loves to play cs and now
loves mapping i vill make more maps so if you liked this 1 plz
look for new 1's in the future CYA M8 BiFF,GuanO.SuckPump,AceMage.
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
Mountvillage - Hostage Rescue
by [SC]X-Tender ******@******.***
Die Terrors wurden nach dem Atentat
an den Presidenten von der Polizei
gejagt. Im morgengrauen erreichten die
Terroristen eine kleines Dorf in den
Bergen wo sie 4 Geiseln nahmen.
Counter-Terrorists: Rettet alle 4
Geiseln oder Eliminiert alle Terrors.
Terrorists: Hindert die Counters
die Geiseln zu Retten oder vernichtet
alle Counters.
(Press FIRE to continue)
05-30-2004 at 10:57 AM by Author
Mountain Hamlet - Hostage Rescue
Public alpha 1
by mawibse
Known Issues:
If you wan't to use podbot i have included a pwf file. Unfortenately it
wouldn't work with the map's real name (to long?) so if you wan't to
play with podbot rename the map and it's textfile to cs_test.bsp and
cs_test.txt. And start cs_test.bsp with podbot.
No decals. Due to difficulties in copying decals in WC these have to wait
to a later version.
Textures. My original thought was to use these temporary and replace them
with my own later on. I probboly won't have time for this. Unfortenately
I'v stolen textures from allover the place and can't remember where I got
them all. So if you have made something in my map, please mail me and you'l
get proper credit. Or if you have something you think would fit better :-)
I like to Thank the following that has made something i'v stolen to this map:
Front line force
Action HL
Day of defeat
Gunman chronicles
And all i have forgotten and will add in a later readme.
Mail bugs, suggestions and flames to:
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Community 17b
@SILENT KILLER the problem is not fixed
05-20-2024 at 11:54 PM
found a workaround, when downloading works, take a copy of PHPSESSID cookie value, when stopped not working, change the cookie with the copied one.
05-21-2024 at 12:24 AM
Cannot Download, Again.
05-21-2024 at 4:46 PM
Please fix this internal error in the MySQL database. Does not download the maps
05-28-2024 at 2:11 AM
@5eamus: de_dinaunion, de_dusferno2, de_aztdust2, de_byfly2. For sure there are more others. Forgot their name
05-30-2024 at 12:19 PM
@byplt thanks, the solution works for me smiley
05-31-2024 at 6:49 PM
can you send here a copy of PHPSESSID cookie value?
06-02-2024 at 6:21 PM
Hey, could you please fix the database error? I'm unable to download any maps. Thanks
06-03-2024 at 11:23 PM
I don't know who has in charge the maintenance of this site now. Too much time away from developpment for me..
Hope it will fixed soon smiley
06-04-2024 at 7:30 AM
Yo Chapo, been a while smiley
06-04-2024 at 8:59 AM
Chapo! smiley
06-04-2024 at 9:30 AM
Hi, Chapo!!!
06-04-2024 at 11:07 AM
If anyone can't download a map, please tell here immediately what map, so I can take a look at a recent example.

I tried the maps quoted above, but it works for me, even unlogged.

Also, I don't see anything obvious in the logs at first glance. Hopefully with a recent example, I will see something.
06-04-2024 at 4:19 PM
06-04-2024 at 6:47 PM
Yeh I get "Internal error in the MySQL database" with as well
06-04-2024 at 7:52 PM
problem still exists, could this be related to ip checking for bots? at least, as i mentioned above that, changing cookies affect downloading
06-04-2024 at 7:54 PM
Привет, Chapo smiley
06-04-2024 at 7:58 PM
I still can't reproduce it, but the access log shows that the web server request on was successful. At the same time, the error log shows "AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown'." It's unclear why.

The MySQL log is empty, which is odd. So, I updated the server and did a full reboot to generate a new file and reset things.

Let's see how it goes; I will mon
06-04-2024 at 11:33 PM
I will monitor the logs*
06-04-2024 at 11:34 PM
still not working, i changed my phpsessid cookie and it works. I sent pm the cookie value.
06-05-2024 at 12:12 AM
send me that value
06-05-2024 at 9:42 AM
i can't, it might relation to the my account
06-05-2024 at 3:42 PM
I still cannot download any map
06-05-2024 at 8:49 PM
Download is not working. Please fix.
06-06-2024 at 4:20 AM
"1 - You can't access this file directly." Keep getting this error.
06-06-2024 at 2:58 PM
By the way, this is not by clicking on single files individually, but when trying to download the entire ZIP archive.
06-06-2024 at 2:59 PM
It won't let me download or select individual files
06-07-2024 at 9:27 PM
Can't download any map (Internal error in MySQL database)
06-10-2024 at 6:26 PM
The MYSQL error was frustrating so i got the map i needed for CS1.6 here
06-12-2024 at 2:48 AM
Произошла ошибка во время выполнения операции:

Internal error in the MySQL database.

Пожалуйста проверьте свои данные. Благодарим за сообщение об этой ошибке на форуме.
06-13-2024 at 10:24 AM
void Searching For Old Css Map
 Today at 3:02 AM by tonny
void No Anda Bajar Mapas
  06-12-2024 at 2:39 AM by FunnyMan2
void Valorant Competitions
  06-07-2024 at 2:32 PM by Bronco
void De_inferno_cz Problem
  06-06-2024 at 3:03 PM by kfxgv2ltjl
void Sourceforts Map Archive
  06-06-2024 at 2:45 AM by alexreynolds
void Hlbox17b Source Code
  06-04-2024 at 7:21 AM by Chapo
void New Downloads Rules
  05-09-2024 at 2:14 PM by rinmumu266

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17Buddies's website offers at this time 107 687 total uniques and verified maps including 58 828 HL1 maps, 45 556 HL2 maps and 3 303 CS:GO maps, representing 371,50 GB disk space.

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